Episode #110- Heart Focused Healing w/ Rob Wergin (Part 2)

The Doctor Dads dive into a live heart focused healing for part 2 with Rob Wergin. Find a comfortable space, kick back, and join The Doctor Dads as Rob guides us through one of his heart focused healings live on the podcast.

This was an incredible experience and is a powerful example of the healing power when one connects with their heart and removes the mind from the equation. Tune in and join us for this live healing event.

Rob joined us on Episode #102 A Conduit of Divine Love and Light which was an amazing episode where we dove deep into the power of self healing. Be sure to check it out.


Rob has dedicated his life to contributing to the uplifting benefit, healing and welfare of others. Having been raised in a strictly Christian home in the heart of South Dakota’s Native American culture, Rob draws inspiration from both rich traditions and works with people of all ages, religions and spiritual persuasions.

Rob believes that less-than-loving physical, mental, and emotional experiences create energetic stagnation and blockages in the mind and body that often lead to disease, dysfunction, distress, disconnection or despair. However, these blocks “are actually gifts,” says Rob, “gifts created by our soul and by the Divine, powerful and packaged in ways we cannot ignore. And because we cannot ignore them, we are given the opportunity to do something about them.” With hands-on healing and Divine Energy transmissions, Rob helps to clear old patterns, experiences, and beliefs – a process that releases pain, disease and addictions.

Subsequently, when reconnecting to Divine energy, balance is restored, and the mind and body are filled with unconditional love and light. Blockages and stagnation are released, old wounds are healed, dis-ease is dismissed, and many aspects of life are transformed as one reconnects with their true expression.

Rob has been sponsored by Agape International Spiritual Center, The Omega Institute, Mile High Church in Denver, 1440 Multiversity, the 2019 Healing Congress in Stuttgart, Germany, and many more. Rob identifies his “gift” as being a clear and sacred conduit for Divine God/Goddess Love and Light, the instrument of healing.

Rob is also featured in the full-length documentary film HEAL, along with Deepak Chopra, Michael Beckwith, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden and others.


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