Cynthia Thurlow is a rockstar in the wellness arena and is most known for her amazing Ted talks which you have to check out. The Doctor Dads had a great episode with her and covered some great topics that have huge impacts on our health and our way of life.
Cynthia is a nurse practitioner, entrepreneur, functional nutritionist, and a certified wellness coach. Her passion is helping women find wellness through the healing power of nutrition and solving health problems from the inside out. She is most proud of her titles of mom and wife! She has all boys, including two Doodles and a loving, patient and supportive husband.
She worked in clinical medicine, both in the ER and cardiology, for nearly 20 years. The power of Western medicine’s approach to acute and life-threatening disease and emergencies is undeniable. However, she started to question our approach to the on-going symptoms of chronic health problems. She started to think more about the root causes of the chronic health problems of her patients and became passionate about learning how I could help my own family, patients, and clients avoid chronic health issues and diseases before they even became a problem.