Episode #48- POWER ON BOOST with Adrian Wesley- SELF-LOVE

Hypnotherapy is highly misunderstood by the general public due to the media and portrayal by the entertainment industry.

Hypnotherapists are trained to facilitate a process that allows us to tap into our subconscious to become aware of past experiences from which we have created beliefs that are effecting our thoughts and behaviors in the present. Think of it like a guided meditation that enables you to sift through memories and pinpoint the root cause of your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors which create your personality (personal reality).


The Doctor Dads interview Adrian Wesley who is a world renowned clinical hypnotherapist and is on a mission for self-love to go viral.


Adrain shares his story and schools us on how we create self-love, find healing from past trauma, optimize our health, get into our heart space, find answers to hurdles in our lives, and much more.


Adrian Z Wesley is a Motivational Educator, Clinical Hypnotherapist and is known as the Human Optimizer.  He is one of the most recommended Hypnotherapists on the planet and is a successful online entrepreneur.


Adrian’s mission is to make self love go viral and to facilitate the awakening of personal power worldwide. Adrian is the co-founder of the Power ON Audio Club, Power ON Movement and Power ON BOOST. He is deeply passionate about supporting online entrepreneurs to become the greatest most powerful version of themselves.


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