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Episode #76- Mindful Parenting

Mindful- conscious or aware of something, focusing one’s awareness on the present moment.
As parents we have our moments and our children have theirs when it comes to the way we behave and navigate our day. Every parent at some moment has had the guilt t…

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Ancient healing techniques and wisdom have recently gone mainstream and for good reason. Many of these techniques date back thousands of years and the knowledge and wisdom that has been created from them is still in practice by many today. There is now a…

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Episode #72- WATER & WELLNESS

All life forms need water to live. Water is the solution in which life expresses itself. Most of the human body is water, roughly 60%.
It’s essential for our health and is necessary for many of our bodily functions like temperature regulation, cellular f…

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Episode #71- Addressing The Elephant In The Room

We all have had to adapt to the current state of times. Some of us have made our way along while others are struggling. Some of us have a broader view of our new reality while others have narrowed their lens.
The onslaught of emotional distress due to fe…

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